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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 8 - February 24, 2022

State of Kansas

Department of Health and Environment

Public Notice

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has received a permit modification request to expand the disposal area at the Deffenbaugh Industries Johnson County, Kansas landfill operating under KDHE Permit 263. The Johnson County, Kansas landfill is located at 17955 Holliday Dr., Shawnee, Kansas, in parts of Section 1 and the North ½ of Section 12, Township 12 South, Range 23 East plus parts of the West ½ of Section 6 and the Northwest ¼ of Section 7, Township12 South, Range 24 East. The application presents that Deffenbaugh Industries proposes to add 28.2 acres of disposal area to the Phase 6 disposal area permitted in 2007. This additional area is within the site’s Barker Road berm adjacent to Phase 6, west and north of the Phase 6 currently permitted disposal area limits. This will result in the approximately 850-acre landfill site containing approximately 478 acres permitted for solid waste disposal. The proposed Phase 6 expansion will provide approximately 5.65 million additional cubic yards, a 6.7 percent disposal capacity increase, extending the site’s life by about 3.2 years, which with currently permitted disposal areas will provide Johnson County, Kansas with a municipal solid waste disposal facility for about 19 years.

The expanded Phase 6 disposal area will be built to the Subtitle D standards used for new municipal solid waste disposal areas at the Johnson County, Kansas landfill since the standards’ adoption by KDHE in 1994. These standards require disposal areas be constructed with a bottom liner consisting of an impervious geomembrane liner atop a two-foot-thick layer of compacted clay. The liner is sloped with a drainage layer atop it so that liquids that may percolate through the waste drain to a sump and are removed from the landfill for treatment or disposal.

The Johnson County Commission has certified that the expansion is consistent with the county’s solid waste management plan and the City of Shawnee, Kansas has certified that the expansion is consistent with local zoning requirements. KDHE has reviewed the application and found it to be in conformance with the state solid waste statutes and regulations.

KDHE is today providing public notice of their intent to approve the proposed Johnson County, Kansas landfill expansion. However, a final decision to approve the expansion has not been made, and KDHE will consider information gathered during a public comment period before making a final decision. A copy of the administrative record which includes the permit application, engineering drawings, draft permit, and other information with respect to this permit action will be available for public review from February 24, 2022 through March 28, 2022 during normal business hours at the following locations:

Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Bureau of Waste Management
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 320
Topeka, Kansas 66612
Contact: Mindy Bowman

Johnson County Department of Health and Environment
11811 S. Sunset Dr., Suite 2700
Olathe, KS 66061-7062
Contact: Craig Wood

Additionally, the application form is available for public viewing at Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed facility should submit written statements by 5:00 p.m. March 28, 2022 to Charles Bowers, at KDHE’s Southeast District Office, 308 W. 14th, Chanute, KS 66720, by facsimile to 620-431-1211, or by email to Comments postmarked by March 28, 2022 received within one week thereafter will also be considered. If the department determines there is sufficient and pertinent local interest in the proposed permit action, a public hearing may be scheduled, and a public notice will be published announcing the time, date, and location of the public hearing.

After consideration of all the comments received during the public notice period and public hearing if one is held, KDHE will make a final decision on whether to issue the permit modification. Notice of the decision will be given to the applicant, anyone who submitted written comments during the comment period, and those who requested notice of the final permit decision.

Janet Stanek
Acting Secretary

Doc. No. 049856