Volume 41 - Issue 15 - April 14, 2022
State of Kansas
Department of Administration
Office of Facilities and Property Management
Notice of Requested “On-Call” Fire Protection Engineering Services
Notice is hereby given of the commencement of the selection process for “on-call” fire protection engineering services for Kansas State University. Services are required for restricted (small) projects with a project budget of $1,000,000 or less. One or more firms will be selected. The contracts will be for three years.
For more information, contact Rosanna Carvalho at rcarvalho@ksu.edu, phone 785-532-1732. Firms interested in providing these services should be familiar with the requirements which can be found in Part B-Chapter 4 of the Building Design and Construction Manual at the website below.
To be considered, one (1) PDF file of the following should be provided: State of Kansas Professional Qualifications DCC Forms 051-054, inclusive, and information regarding similar projects. These forms may be found at https://admin.ks.gov/offices/facilities-property-management/design-construction--compliance/forms-and-documents. State of Kansas Professional Qualifications DCC Form 050 for each firm and consultant should be provided at the end of each proposal. Please include your firm name, agency abbreviation, and an abbreviated project name in the title of the PDF document. Proposals should be less than 5 Mb and follow the current State Building Advisory Commission guidelines which can be found in Part B – Chapter 2 of the Building Design and Construction Manual at https://admin.ks.gov/offices/facilities-property-management/design-construction--compliance/building-design-and-construction-manual-bdcm. Paper copies and flash drives containing copies of the proposals are not required.
Proposals should be sent to professional.qualifications@ks.gov. Proposals received after the date and time noted below will not be forwarded to the State Building Advisory Commission for review. If you have questions, call 785-296-0749. The PDF proposal submissions shall be delivered to the attention of Randy Riveland by 2:00 p.m. on or before April 29, 2022.
The State of Kansas, as a matter of public policy, encourages anyone doing business with the State of Kansas to take steps to discourage human trafficking. If prospective bidders/vendors/contractors have any policies or participate in any initiatives that discourage human trafficking, then the prospective bidder/vendor/contractor is encouraged to submit same as part of their bid response.
Frank Burnam, Director
Office of Facilities and Property Management
Doc. No. 050022