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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 41 - Issue 42 - October 20, 2022

State of Kansas

Insurance Department

Notice of Changes in Pharmacy Networks

Pursuant to K.S.A. 40-2,153, the Commissioner of Insurance is publishing notice that a change has occurred in a pharmacy network in the State of Kansas.

Cigna HealthCare of St. Louis, Inc., and affiliates, CGLIC and CHLIC, hereby submits notice pursuant to Section 40-2,153 with respect to implementation of Cigna HealthCare of St. Louis, Inc., pharmacy network in Kansas. The name and address of the contact person for pharmacy network contracting is: Julie Lesmes, Legal Compliance Lead Analyst, Routing B6LPA, 900 Cottage Grove Rd., Hartford, CT 06152. The pharmacy network serves Cigna HealthCare of St. Louis, Inc., service area in Kansas which is comprised of the following counties in Kansas: Douglas, Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Leavenworth, Miami, Osage, Shawnee and Wyandotte. All but a small percentage of the individual participants of the benefit plans in the service area for which Cigna HealthCare of St. Louis, Inc., CGLIC or CHLIC administers pharmacy claim payments are participants of employee health benefit plans that are covered under the federal employee retirement security act (ERISA). In the third quarter of 2022, the following terminations have taken effect:


Cigna 0100
Facility Name Street Address City State
Sterling Pharmacy 118 S. Broadway Ave., Suite B Sterling KS
Vibrant Health–Central Pharmacy 21 N. 12th St., Suite 100 Kansas City KS
Guardian Pharmacy of Kansas City 15317 W. 95th St. Lenexa KS
Aldrich Apothecary 123 W. Main St., Suite B Council Grove KS
National Plus 2.0 Version 3
Facility Name Street Address City State
Cardinal Pharmacy 821 N. Main St. Hoisington KS
Sterling Pharmacy 118 S. Broadway Ave., Suite B Sterling KS
Vibrant Health–Central Pharmacy 21 N. 12th St., Suite 100 Kansas City KS
Aldrich Apothecary 123 W. Main St., Suite B Council Grove KS


Cigna 0100
Facility Name Street Address City State
Aldrich Apothecary 123 W. Main St., Suite B Council Grove KS
BioPartners in Care 11411 Strang Line Rd. Lenexa KS
National Plus 2.0 Version 3
Facility Name Street Address City State
The Medicine Store 760 Northstar Ct. Tonganoxie KS
BioPartners In Care 11411 Strang Line Rd. Lenexa KS

Any questions should be directed to the Insurance Department at 785-296-7811.

Vicki Schmidt
Insurance Commissioner

Doc. No. 050608