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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 43 - Issue 51 - December 19, 2024

State of Kansas

Department of Administration
Office of Procurement and Contracts

Notice to Bidders

Sealed bids for items listed will be received by the Office of Procurement and Contracts until 2:00 p.m. on the date indicated. For more information, call 785-296-2376.

All bids are to be submitted via email only to For more information, please visit

01/14/2025 EVT0010049 Online Recruit Testing Services
01/17/2025 EVT0010054 FSA Administration–SEHBP
01/22/2025 EVT0010050 Janitorial Services – Great Bend KDLEX Office
01/23/2025 EVT0010051 Court Reporting Services
01/23/2025 EVT0010055 Advisor for Future Business Leaders of America

The above referenced bid documents can be downloaded at the following website:

Additional files may be located at the following website (please monitor this website on a regular basis for any changes/addenda):

01/02/2025 A-015133 HVAC Equipment Replacement 401 Topeka Blvd
01/16/2025 A-015085 002 Remodel Fairchild Hall

Information regarding prequalification, projects, and bid documents can be obtained at 785-296-8899 or

Todd Herman
Office of Procurement and Contracts
Department of Administration

Doc. No. 052739