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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 43 - Issue 50 - December 12, 2024

State of Kansas

Department of Wildlife and Parks

Permanent Administrative Regulations


115-25-8. Elk; open season, bag limit, and permits. (a) The unit designations in this regulation shall have the meanings specified in K.A.R. 115-4-6b, except that the area of Fort Riley, subunit 2a, shall not be included as part of Republican-Tuttle, unit 2.

(b) The open seasons for the taking of elk shall be as follows:

(1) The archery season dates and units shall be as follows:

(A) Statewide, except Fort Riley, subunit 2a, and unit 1: the Monday after the second Saturday in September through the last day of the same year.

(B) Fort Riley, subunit 2a: the first day of September through the last day of September.

(2) The firearm season dates and units shall be as follows:

(A) Statewide, except Fort Riley, subunit 2a, and unit 1: the first day of August through the last day of August; the Wednesday after Thanksgiving through the second following Sunday; and the first day of January through the 15th day of March.

(B) Fort Riley, subunit 2a:

(i) First segment: the first day of October through the last day of October.

(ii) Second segment: the first day of November through the last day of November.

(iii) Third segment: the first day of December through the last day of December.

(iv) Fourth segment: the first day of January through the last day of January.

(3) The muzzleloader season dates and units shall be as follows:

(A) Statewide, except Fort Riley, subunit 2a, and unit 1: the first day of September through the last day of September.

(B) Fort Riley, subunit 2a: the first day of September through the last day of September.

(c) A limited-quota either-sex elk permit shall be valid during any season using equipment authorized for that season. Twelve either-sex elk permits shall be authorized.

(d) A limited-quota antlerless-only elk permit shall be valid during any season using equipment authorized for that season, except that a limited-quota antlerless-only elk permit shall be valid on Fort Riley, subunit 2a, only as follows:

(1) A first-segment antlerless-only elk permit shall be valid on Fort Riley, subunit 2a, only during the first segment. Six first-segment antlerless-only elk permits shall be authorized.

(2) A second-segment antlerless-only elk permit shall be valid on Fort Riley, subunit 2a, only during the second segment. Six second-segment antlerless-only elk permits shall be authorized.

(3) A third-segment antlerless-only elk permit shall be valid on Fort Riley, subunit 2a, only during the third segment. Six third-segment antlerless-only elk permits shall be authorized.

(4) All antlerless-only elk permits shall be valid on Fort Riley, subunit 2a, during the September archery and muzzleloader seasons, and the January firearm season.

(e) The bag limit shall be one elk as specified on the permit issued to the permittee.

(f) An unlimited number of hunt-on-your-own-land antlerless-only elk permits and either-sex elk permits shall be authorized in units 2 and 3. A hunt-on-your-own-land permit shall be valid during any open season. The bag limit for each hunt-on-your-own-land elk permit shall be one elk as specified on the permit.

(g) An unlimited number of over-the-counter antlerless-only elk permits and either-sex elk permits shall be authorized in unit 3.

(h) Permits are not valid after March 15 following the date of issuance. (Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 32-807 and K.S.A. 32-937; amended Dec. 27, 2024.)

115-25-9a. Deer; open season, bag limit, and permits; additional considerations; military subunits. (a) In addition to the pre-rut antlerless whitetail deer only season specified in K.A.R. 115-25-9, in the Fort Riley subunit the antlerless white-tailed deer only season shall also be November 29, 2024, through December 1, 2024.

(b) In the Fort Riley subunit, the open firearm season for the taking of deer shall be December 14, 2024, through December 22, 2024.

(c) Five antlerless-only white-tailed deer permits shall be valid in subunit 8A.

(d) In the Fort Leavenworth subunit, the open firearm season for the taking of deer shall be November 16, 2024, through November 17, 2024; November 23, 2024, through November 24, 2024; November 28, 2024, through December 1, 2024; December 7, 2024, through December 8, 2024; and December 14, 2024, through December 15, 2024.

(e) In the Fort Leavenworth subunit, the extended firearms season for the taking of antlerless-only white-tailed deer shall be January 1, 2025, through January 19, 2025.

(f) In the Fort Leavenworth subunit, the extended archery season for the taking of antlerless-only white-tailed deer shall be January 20, 2025, through January 31, 2025.

(g) In the Smoky Hill subunit, the open firearm season for the taking of deer shall be December 4, 2024, through December 15, 2024. Five additional antlerless white-tailed deer permits shall be valid in subunit 4a. This regulation shall have no force and effect on and after March 1, 2025. (Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 32-807, and K.S.A. 32-937; amended, T-115-10-11-24, Oct. 11, 2024; amended Dec. 27, 2024.)

Christopher Kennedy
Acting Secretary
Department of Wildlife and Parks

Doc. No. 052718